DMZ Photos/Info
Help us tell the story, thanks. Crew at the Korean DMZ Vets.........
Korean DMZ Vets on The Veteran's Report Show
Today at 5:30 pm eastern/4:30 central.
Cold War Snowballs - Korean DMZ
US Troops at one point attacked the NK's with snowballs. hehehehehehe
Unremembered Victory
Unremembered Victory is now available in Kindle and paperback formats, available at Tell your friends and family, great book...
Axes of Evil
This is about Operation Paul Bunyan, and what lead up to it. the Axe murders almost lead to WWIII. Long read, but is interesting. Link...
Unremembered Victory
Please read the article for details and instructions, if you want a copy of the book and to leave a testimony.
Korean DMZ Photos.....
FYI, if you would like to donate photos and/or propaganda to us, so we can use on the website and our social media sites, please email to:...
1952 - Freedom Bridge..........
1952 - Korean War/Up on the Z - Reconstruction of Freedom Bridge by US Army Engineers. Same bridge that is still standing, 66 years...
Scenes from an Unfinished War (DMZ Conflict 66 to 69) Book by Daniel Bolger
A digital copy of the book in Adobe PDF format is available to read and download in our DMZ Books' Tab on the main menu...
Independence Day - 4th of July....
We like to wish the USA a fabulous Happy 242th Birthday. Everyone have a great and safe day. Please remember all those who have to...