Time for Some DMZ Humor... :-)
1990 - Hantong River. :-)
7th Infantry Division on the DMZ (53 to 71)
Many don't realize, that 7ID stayed in Korea after the Armistice was signed (July 27 1953) till 1971. MG Hal Moore was their last...
MG Hal Moore, 7ID CG - Korea
This is Hal Moore back in 1970 in Korea. MG Moore is famed for the book and movie; We Were Soldiers, when he served with 1st Bn, 7th Cav,...
Website Updates...
Always come back and visit us, we are constantly updating the site with more stuff. Give our domain address out to everyone... ...
Korean Defense Cold War Reunion
We are not hosting, but supporting the event.... Thanks.........
koreandmzvets.com Domain Name
koreandmzvets.com domain name should go live NLT tomorrow AM. They said it will take up to 48 hours... This is one of the many...
DMZ Updates......
Hope everyone had a great holidays. Please keep coming back to the website, we are continuously updating all the time.... We have over...